• Member News

  • Women's Networking Alliance

    • Associations

    About Us

    Each of our members owns and operates their own business, which presents tremendous opportunities, along with unique difficulties. When you are a part of WNA, you know that these women share many of read more
    • About

      Each of our members owns and operates their own business, which presents tremendous opportunities, along with unique difficulties. When you are a part of WNA, you know that these women share many of the challenges and triumphs that you face on a regular basis. This common bond allows fellow business women to open up and share what’s really going on to get advice, encouragement, and comradery. Since 2007, WNA has been the place for women in Silicon Valley and beyond to help each other grow their businesses and succeed both professionally and personally.

      Networking and Building Relationships
      Building connections is essential to success in any industry. WNA provides a forum to share contacts and help grow each other’s businesses. By building one-on-one relationships outside of regular group meetings, WNA creates connections for both personal and professional growth. When we know each other’s strength, versatility, and perseverance, we feel confident passing each other’s information on in our personal and professional circles. A rising tide raises all boats. At WNA we help bring the tide in.

      Encouragement and knowledge
      It can be lonely at the top. We don’t need another place to have to keep it all together. When we face hurdles, either personal or professional, it impacts every part of our lives. Having a place to talk honestly provides a needed outlet and allows others who have overcome some of the same challenges give insights to those who may be facing them now. Sharing our solutions helps others succeed.

    • Whom to Contact

      • Carla Bohnett
        Phone: (669) 244-4620
      • Ms. Tracey Lee Davis
        Co-Owner/ Vice President
        Phone: (669) 244-4620