• Member News

  • 63d Regional Support Command (RSC)

    • Military
    • Government Offices
    63d RSC (Attn: Mr. Bruce Humphrey)
    230 R.T. Jones Road
    Mountain View, CA 94043
    (650) 526-9824
    (650) 526-9548 (fax)
    • About

      The 63rd Regional Support Command (RSC) mission is to provide Base Operation Support and related support for all Reserve personnel in the seven-state Southwest Region of the United States with focus on command support functions, personnel support, Soldier and family readiness programs, public works, facilities, maintenance support activities, and resource management.

      Our vision is to establish a community based federal operational force of skill-rich Warrior-Citizens providing complementary capabilities for joint expeditionary and domestic operations.

      The 63rd RSC supports over 40,000 Army Reserve Soldiers in the states of California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas.

    • Whom to Contact